Banquet chez Casanova

Love and lust, eroticism and esotericism. The ingredients of Il Casanova di Federico Fellini make up a banquet, an opulent one, made of silver chandeliers and velvet drapes. Like the interiors of the candle-lit Venetian courts that Giacomo Casanova inhabited, seduced and loved in.
When in 1976 Federico Fellini reimagined the historical character of Casanova, he did so through the use of the hyperbole, turning the famed seducer into a foolish mannequin, also with the aid of prosthetics and costumes.
Similarly, Nino Rota reconceived the sonic canons of the Casanova imagery, letting the freedom of experimentation guide him for one of his most pioneering, eerie and electronic-edged scores.
Photographer Stefania Zanetti now rethinks this iconography of lush and lust, letting food and table design become the synonymous of Casanova’s ars amatoria.